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The 1892 Foundation serves as the philanthropic arm for W.C. Thomas Lodge #112 PHA. Located in Atlanta, GA, the foundation focuses on being a disruptive force in the cradle to prison pipeline our communities served by the lodge. The 1892 Foundation focuses its efforts on creating strategic partnerships and engagements that aid in creating a cradle to career/college pipeline.



The 1892 Foundation serves as the philanthropic arm for W.C. Thomas Lodge #112 PHA. Located in Atlanta, GA, the foundation focuses on being a disruptive force in the cradle to prison pipeline our communities served by the lodge. The 1892 Foundation focuses its efforts on creating strategic partnerships and engagements that aid in creating a cradle to career/college pipeline.



School Engagement – The 1892 Foundation provides support to Title 1 Schools in the Atlanta Public School System. The support is to aid teachers in closing the gaps when there are deficiencies in teaching supplies, event planning to reward students and create a fun learning environment; parent engagement (PTA) and other activities to encourage parent involvement with the schools; and mentoring for young men in the partner schools.

Scholarship Support - The foundation partners with W.C. Thomas Lodge #112, PHA on the Annual Horace Reuben Scholarship Gala. Since 1986, the gala celebrates the resiliency and academic achievements of rising seniors or first year college students from our community. Through generous donations from our community partners and sponsors, as well as the fundraising efforts of the Brothers of W.C. Thomas Lodge #112, this event gives away a minimum of $5,000 annually to scholarship recipients. To date this event has assisted more than 45 youth with financial support to advance their education.

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Mr. Raphael Holloway,

1892 Foundation Vice Chairman



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3770 Campbellton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30331

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