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On June 24, 1870, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia Free and Accepted Masons was established with Eureka Lodge #1of Savannah, Hilton Lodge #13 of Savannah and Banneker Lodge #38 of Augusta, Ga. The Grand Lodge was incorporated July 11, 1890, as the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons for the State of Georgia. The charter was amended July 19, 1950, changing the name to Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Jurisdiction of Georgia. In 1937 the Building on Auburn Avenue was completed as the Grand East and Masonic Temple. On May 6, 2019 W.C. Thomas #Lodge 112 held their first meeting in their newly purchased Lodge located at 3370 Campbellton Road in the Ben Hill Community of Atlanta, Georgia.

W.C. Thomas Lodge #112 History

William Charles Thomas was made a mason by Plymouth Rock Lodge #86 in 1890. At the Thomasville Grand Lodge Session under GM John D. Campbell, Crystal Lodge #112 was established on June 24, 1892. Originally Located in the Thomasville section of East Atlanta, it was instituted for men of excellence in Atlanta. The charter members were Worshipful Master William Charles Thomas, Senior Warden Henry Allen Rucker and Junior Warden John M. Scott. W. C. Thomas appointed District Deputy Grand Master by Grand Master John D. Campbell in 1891. From 1892-1915 W. C. Thomas served as Master of Crystal Lodge #112. In December of 1932, GM John Wesley Dobbs also merges Crystal Lodge #112 with Golden Eagle Lodge #253. December 31, 1935, GM John Wesley Dobbs merges#112 with Alexander Hamilton Lodge #349 and changes Crystal Lodge #112 to William Charles Thomas Lodge #112. In 1908, W.C. Thomas and Grand Master, Dr. H. R. Butler organized the Masonic Relief Association to assist the families of deceased master masons with money for burial protection. Past Master Thomas was the Secretary of the MRA for 16 years until his death. Grand Lodge document that DDGM Thomas and GM Butler together organized many lodges throughout the jurisdiction of Georgia. PM William Charles Thomas (32nd Degree) served the craft faithfully and represented the GL for many years as the Chairman of Foreign Correspondence. He was given his Masonic Last Rites in 1924 by WM William F. Gaines and the brothers of Crystal #112; his body was interred at Southview Cemetery.

W.C. Thomas Personal History

William Charles Thomas was born in LaGrange, Georgia on February 11, 1864 to Mattie Hayes. At twelve W. C. Thomas moved to Atlanta to attend the Storrs School, established by the American Missionary Association of Freedmen, operated as a private school for African American students post-Civil War. William Charles Thomas established Crystal Lodge #112 on June 24, 1892 in the Thomasville part of East Atlanta. W.C. Thomas was married to Mary (Mamye) Mosby and they had three boys; William Jr, (the oldest) was called Charlie, Cassius, and Walter. The Thomas family lived on Fort Street, near Auburn Avenue in Atlanta’s famous Old Fourth Ward and they attended Saint Paul Episcopal Church in Atlanta. During the Campaign of President William Harrison, Thomas was appointed Chairman of the State Central Committee and it is believed that he was one of the first Black Deputy U. S. Marshals in Atlanta for the Northern District of America.  As the first African American to clerk in the U. S. Court (around 1893), he worked for 18 years as Deputy U. S. Marshal under Colonel A. E. Buck and Walter H. Johnson.  Bro. Thomas stellar law enforcement career was further advanced as he became the private Secretary for the U. S. Marshals. W.C. Thomas was also a notary public and a three termed clerk for the 6th Ward poll district. As an entrepreneur, he founded the Great Southern Fire Insurance Company, which later merged with the Bankers Fire Insurance Company.

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